Now, I work all day, in an office, like many people, sitting at my desk with a keyboard, mouse and monitor for company. I have a telephone also – a Toshiba System Phone with lots of buttons; I tend not to make many outgoing calls, usually it is our clients who...
I was idly browsing the web when I found an online Telephone retailer who specialise in Home Phones when I got to thinking about home phones and who actually uses them… I have got a contract with Orange, the mobile phone provider, which costs me around £35 a...
Peltor Design and manufacture a range of special use headsets for many purposes. They specalise in headsets for use in such diverse areas as Aviation, Broadcating, Construction, Hunting and Military/ Police. They offer ear protection in the harshest of situations,...
I am a sucker for these mulitfaceted gadgets and when Orange announced that an upgrade was due I looked at the Sony Ericsson range immediately. The new M900i appealed as it contains 4gig of mp3 playing memory. This I managed to convince myself was pretty unnecessary...