I have been working on a new site of late built on the Magento platform. The site was developed over many months with Lighthouse Care sourcing the best deals they could for their clients as their ethos is : Your independence is our success The site has been filled...
Whilst looking into the subject of corded telephones this morning I came across the most elevating marketing material possible – a real life person using a corded phone. Now, corded phones have lost a lot of headway these days to the more fashionable cordless...
Thing is with marketing a niche product to a willing market is that you really don’t have to try too hard. You are not pushing some unnecessary consumerist dream down their throats, nor suggesting a lifestyle change; just putting a willing customer in touch with...
Been working on marketing a data recovery website for a while now, makes you think about how terrible it would be to lose all your data. Don’t close the door after the horse has bolted and back up now I say. I have been adding the site to relevant search...
Now, I may be completely wrong, this is all conjecture of course as I am no expert in the economy for sure. Recently I have been made aware of the awful crash of a country I loved like a lover, like a sibling or like a child I am not certain which, just it was an...
Like OMG, how mant iterations does one have to go through to find a name for a new media company. Last year we brainstormed this, finding many obscure and wonderful words – only to find them already taken. Eventually even an exhaustive search of foregin words...